
Finding a job in Canada

Finding a job in Canada

I remember my first month in Canada. Even though, I moved from New Zealand to Canada with Bachelors degree and work experience finding the job was still challenging.

I moved in mid November, at that time of the year most of the companies do not hire due to Christmas and New Year holidays. But with a help with of family member, I finally had an interview for a company and was offered full-time position (having connections are important in Canada).

Here are some tips that could be helpful :-

  • Use LinkendIN
    Create your profile. Start adding your friends (or someone you already know) and slowing build your network. If you are working in the industry which is booming and has experience, recruiters will reach out to you directly.
  • Connect with recruitment agencies
    Depending on industry, experience and skillsets, google the relevant recruitment agencies in your city. Register with them. Some of the recruiters are very friendly, who can review your CV/resume and prepare you for interview.
  • Indeed Canada
    Indeed is one the best site to find and apply for jobs. It is highly recommended to create an account. It is good idea to update your profile on regular basis. Like LinkedIn, recruiters also connect candidates directly. Your personal details are not shared. Usually, recruiter will send you a job description. You either click on “Yes, I’m Interested” or “No, I’m not interested”.
    Pro tip : Whenever you are searching for a job, change the date to 3 or 7 days. This increase the chances of getting an interview

Yadwinder - Immigrants101

About Author

Yadwinder (Inder) is a personal blogger from Canada. Before migrating to Canada, he spent 11 years in New Zealand. Professionally, he is an IT Consultant with Bachelors Degree in Digital Technology. While he is juggling between his day job and blogging, he is the main author on this website. He is passionate about technology and helping new immigrants.

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About this site

This site is dedicated to help all those who are moving from any country to Canada in a hope better
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About Canada : Geography, Seasons and Provinces

Canada is the second largest country on earth, covering an area of 10 million square kilometres (3.9 million square miles).